is a sister site to, gives access to hundreds of professionally drafted, single or bundled, legal document templates to use across a wide range of topics.
All the documents can be reached via the LawDocs4All Business Documents Portal, including our specially created and exclusive Document Bundles, which you can browse and decide what document(s) you need. Price and payment terms are all provided on those pages. This guide to editing your legal templates assists you in creating a legal document that you can use.
Our legal documents provider, gives you:
You will not be paying LawDocs4All for the documents, but we have negotiated generous discounts so that you buy the documents through us for much less than if you purchased them direct. shares our mission to improve access to law across the board, including to legal documentation, which would otherwise cost substantially more than from law firms.
This does not mean or imply that we don't value legal advisers. On the contrary, we know how much they can & do bring to legal issues faced by people and businesses. But, we also recognise that not everyone can afford or needs to hire a lawyer to deal with their questions or problems. This is where LawDocs4All and Law-Answers step in.
Net Lawman also offers a legal review service for its documents. If, when you have downloaded your legal template and changed it to suit your needs, you feel you could do with some legal guidance, you can get it reviewed by Net Lawman's legal team who will conduct a detailed assessment of your document and:
If you change your mind about using the service after you have edited your document, Net Lawman will fully refund the price of the service.
The documents menus are designed to describe the documents, but please be sure that you check them over carefully to ensure that they do meet your needs. All documents are subject to NetLawman's Terms and Conditions, which we ask you to read before you purchase any documents.
We are pleased to be supported by Net as a leading independent online provider of ready-to-use legal documents for business users.
Net Lawman is a founding member of the Association of Publishers of Online Legal Documents (APOD).
APOD exists to:
We always welcome your feedback so please do let us know what else you would like to know about using this Form.