Company Sale Overview

An explanation of the structure and content of a company sale agreemeent and related matters

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Company Purchase Agreement: part payment retention

Purchase Agreement to buy a single company with no subsidiaries. Extra protection to the buyer through part of price being held back and released later, conditional upon profit

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Company Purchase Agreement: simple cash deal

Agreement to buy or sell all the shares of any private limited company in a straight forward cash deal

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Company Purchase Agreement: shares and cash deal

Agreement for a company in any industry where the purchase price is paid part in cash and part in the shares of the purchasing company

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Company Purchase Agreement: Group of companies

Agreement to buy for cash all the shares in a company that owns a controlling stake (over 50% of the share capital) of one or more other companies

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Company Purchase Agreement: cash and shares, part deferred

Agreement for the sale of a single company for cash and equity (shares) in the acquirer with option for additional payment if warranted future profits are met

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